Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Sleepie 101

Apparently Sister Flirt needs directions on the correct use of a sleepie. This is INCORRECT. One must always be inside the sleepie!

First you must chirp so someone OPENS the sleepie for you!

Then you must get IN the sleepie so your nose is the only thing sticking out

Then you smile with happiness


Pam Lambros said...

They love these things don't they....they crack me up how they have us trained.

The Oceanside Animals said...

hello gabby its dennis the vizsla dog hay thank yoo for this valyoobul gide i just hav wun kwestchun wich is ware do i git me wun of those sleepeez??? ok bye

I'm Gabby said...

My mom gets them off of ebay from BodyGear by Pets.

She orders the extra large with fleece on the inside and outside

I'm Gabby said...

My mom gets them off of ebay from BodyGear by Pets.

She orders the extra large with fleece on the inside and outside