Sunday, May 18, 2008

We have a visitor!

What's this? Mom forgot to tell me we have a new friend coming to visit. He's actually an old friend mom says but I don't remember meeting him. His name is Drake and he's daddy's 2 legged son....don't worry I know I'm still the favorite child. I think mom brought him just for me to play with. I chirp, he comes running to fix me or play with me or feed me! He lets me drag my sleepie all over the top of him and jump up and down. We think it's very much fun but mom doesn't have any pictures because she can't give me THAT LOOK and snap a picture at the same time. She says I can't jump on him anymore...NO FUN MOM.

Flirtie decided he is her cuddlebug and snuggled right up to him when he came home.


Anonymous said...

puppies + kids == cookies + milk

Delilah and Rocket said...

Oh someone else to pay attention to you. How cool! and I totally agree with Dennis!!!!