Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Gabby 2 Mom 0

Round 2 - Mom thinks we need more exercise. We've been very lazy bugs this winter...but it's so colllllllllllllddd!!!! Mom and I are allergic to cold, especially wet feet and icy grass. Now that the ice is gone, Mom's plan of action was to play some fetch this morning. She set her alarm 30 minutes early, sleepy-eyed and mumbling she pulled her sweats on, grabbed our tennis balls. Fur went flying everywhere when the tennis balls came out, Mom was excited to burn off some of our hooligan-ness...but when she got outside.....she realized she was missing someone....I was still hiding in my sleepie. I officially am allergic to mornings!!! Ha ha mom...I am saving my hooligan-ness for later today!!

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